Hi and welcome!


My name is Tonya, and I am thankful that you found your way here! If you’re reading this, I can assure you there is a good reason why. Perhaps you are walking through a season of trials, heartbreak, or seemingly never-ending affliction. Maybe you’ve been going through the motions of life, sun-up to sun-down, with a feeling of emptiness. Or, maybe you are simply in the search of something greater — something more.

I am a life coach helping those who feel burnt out, burdened or just “off” GET UP and GET OUT OF life’s valleys and live life to the fullest.

I, too, have found myself lost and searching. I lived 40 some years of my life pushing away my feelings and ignoring deeply rooted issues. I was balancing “all the things” and trying to be perfect. I lost sight of myself, pushing down my feelings and telling myself  “just do.” “Just keep going.” I ignored the stress that was manifesting in my body and resulting in numerous health issues. The real problem was that I didn’t know I needed help. I told myself, “I’ll just get through it.” Until I found myself shattered. I finally dropped all of the spinning plates I had been trying to balance for so long. 

One day, I heard a clear voice say to me, “Give me the pen. Let’s write a new story.” Ever since that moment, by the mighty will of God, I have worked hard to improve myself, resolve years of issues, and find my purpose in this world. I was led to The Adult Chair® by a friend, and it was almost like someone had pressed the fast-forward button on my journey to finding peace! Its models, lessons, techniques, and tools for self-healing became the “knife” that cut through my numerous layers of trauma that had built up. My life was changed so drastically that I soon found myself beginning the certification process to become a life coach through The Adult Chair® model!

Through The Adult Chair®, I am now aware of how to address and resolve issues through an emotional and spiritual perspective, allowing me to help you find healing from within. I know the feeling of being broken, empty, and lost in the darkness, but I also know how to navigate through it and find the other side, and I want to help you do the same.

In my previous career in the dental field, my focus was fixing the smile on the outside. Now, I understand the importance of fixing the smile that we don’t see...the one on the inside. The Adult Chair® has been the “more” for me, and through its model, I will help you find the “more,” too.

“The Adult Chair was my knife to cut through layers and layers of trauma.” 

Let me help you navigate life’s valleys and find the smile waiting for you on the other side — a smile that comes from true fulfillment and peace.



I’m ready to get out of life’s valleys!

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Hear my story on
The Adult Chair Podcast.

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